Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kassidy & Mark out in the country

Kassidy and Mark live truly in God's Country. This sweet couple is ensconced on the property of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Adams, TN...really, really beautiful countryside. They have chosen A Country Chapel and Lorri Vogel's very delicious catering and for their June wedding.

We spent a couple hours on the YWAM property and in downtown Adams for their e-session. You have to love a town where the dogs travel along side the cars from one home to another. I had two dogs like that for a good while. They left the house in the morning when I went to work and spent the day with my dad just down the road. He always had a slice of bologna (or baloney where I come from) for them. But I digress...
Mark really likes the small town life, but Kassidy is ready to spread the good Word to bigger cities and other countries. They'll do fine.
Kassidy and Mark: the slideshow

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